For one full week this January Rick Eutsler and I will be hosting a Virtual Air gun expo from a 1500 sq/ft Hotel room in Texas and also have a Live Range day as well plus many personalities will be live via SKYPE. Product reviews and New products from many of the BIG players in our industry. We will be having daily give aways and contests plus so so much more!!!
Wow, that's awesome - starting 2021 right!
Ok Ok Ok, You got my attention.......Ok its gone. Thats not because of you though I just have a very short
Well Old Pro, don,t know as much as I should about you but I watch Rick Eusler on his videos. If you two are teaming up then I will be watching critically and supportively. Anyway, What took you so long to get on to it?
Never was able to attend in person so this will be great!
Awesome! Than you guys for organizing this!