Hey thanks! That helped a bunch. Now, if you'll also tell me how to stop my heart without having to kill myself I'll be good to go! That beat-beat, beat-beat is killin me! Maybe I can get some NO blood pressure pills from the doc
Dang...first my doctor and now you!
How in the world do you HFT guys get yourself locked in steady shooting off sticks sitting on a bucket. I tried this today and couldn't get locked in to save my life. Wobble, wobble, wobble! Got any secrets to share?Brent
I should have added that you don't have to have a cardio workout that almost kills you to be effective. Its amazing just what a good couple mile brisk walk can do for a person if they do that 3-4 times a week.Don, you still bicycle and I am sure that has helped your FT shooting correct?BZ