the piston on my Edge needs replaced. Nice to know the Crosman one works. Thanks. I really liked that gun when it was working. trying to get a piston from Hatsan is such a hassle. I'm guessing this is the one?:
thank you for steering me in the right direction. Any tips on how to make a centering bushing?I have a hand drill and a hack saw. I noticed someone mentioned in another thread that they made one out of aluminum. I'd be willing to pay someone to make one for me. I have too many irons in the fire as it is.I've had to lay off from working on my airguns for a couple years. So it looks like you suggest the NP1. I assume that's the one that kicks up the Edge to similar power as a 125? I won't mind that.
Quote from: Mossonarock on September 21, 2023, 09:33:40 PMthank you for steering me in the right direction. Any tips on how to make a centering bushing?I have a hand drill and a hack saw. I noticed someone mentioned in another thread that they made one out of aluminum. I'd be willing to pay someone to make one for me. I have too many irons in the fire as it is.I've had to lay off from working on my airguns for a couple years. So it looks like you suggest the NP1. I assume that's the one that kicks up the Edge to similar power as a 125? I won't mind that.I know Tommy says the NP1 made his edge much more powerful than it was before. I believe that is true, but my only explanation would be the Vortex had been slowly "fading" and the sudden fresh NP1 performance was a shocking improvement. Without repeatable chronograph data the results are purely subjective.Based on all my measurements of the NP1, Vortex air spring, Edge coil spring, Edge piston & piston-throw, comp-tube diameter, AND repeatable chronograph data, the NP1 with a properly sized spacer may bring a Hatsan Edge rifle back near factory spec in the 18-22 fpe range. It will not bring an Edge rifle up to the 30-34 fpe energy of the Mod125/135 rifles. There is simply not enough energy stored in the NP1 gas spring to make that happen. The swept volume of the Edge and piston mass are also too small. If you could fit a true 34 fpe muzzle energy "spring" inside an Edge it would require two hands to cock, the shot cycle would be SUPER HARSH (bone jarring), linkages and retaining pins would start to BEND, and the rifle would shake itself apart.The Mod125/135 rifles are LARGE and HEAVY springers designed from the ground up to be 30-34 fpe muzzle energy rifles. The Edge and its siblings were designed to be 18-22 fpe muzzle energy rifles and they can do that very well.I know Hatsan specs the Edge rifle at 20-24 fpe but those are marketing MAX values. SOME Edge rifles will be that good, but most will be in the 18-22 fpe range.Bushing...,207599.msg156441217.html#msg156441217,196304.msg156286955.html#msg156286955
Good info.According to you, I bet the Edge / Strikers do well in .22 cal, but what about the .25 cal from Tommy. Still a good match ? Edge Vortex in .25 cal looks interesting to me as a plinker / hunter.
on my drill press I drilled the NP centering hole with a 3/4" Forstners bit about halfway through (1/4") the 1/2 " HPDE board.followed that with a 1/4" center hole.then cut out the 1" OD with either a flycutter bit or a hole saw. Smooth OD edge looks more like my flycutter bit did the work.finally drilled out the center to 3/8" to fit over that little "nub" on the Edge endcap.