sometime ago is sent my Daystate Regal XL to Motorhead to have him replace all the seals and asked him to work his magic on it. i shot it when it first arrived home, but then went back to my HW100. this past week i've been shooting it and WOW! this rifle has never been more accurate. i'm shooting JSB 18s with no poi change from 15 yards out to 50 yards. i didn't know an airgun could shoot this flat. with a 5mph wind coming from the 8 o'clock position, i consistently put 10 rounds into a 1/2" bullseye at 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, and 50 yards. i must say i'm a bit confused because even shooting from the bench, i'm not that good of a shot. Scott definitely put some magic into this gun!