you have a much shorter print time and smaller material use, should any given print fail.
Are the parts in your image injection molded plastic, or metal?
my concern is droop at each joint, leading to misalignment with the barrel.
Now, if the baffle is half as long as its diameter stability should be improved. Also, I think I would include conical nesting features that forces strong concentricity and angular alignment. The threads would need to be robust for 3D printed parts, and they may take a fair amount of room.
I need to use a generous baffle bore diameter for caliber
It would be great if these can be printed without supports turned on; or my permanent supports that are part of the design.
Bruce,I used the basic version of Solidworks 2015, but you one could create those shapes with any version or Solidworks, and probably most 3D CAD programs.The internal toroidal shapes were created by rotating a profile to add material. See sketch profile rotated around green bore axis line below. The longitudinal ribs were added by the common CAD process of extrusion. The circumferential ribs were added by rotating a profile that defines their dimensions. This was done in several steps.There are tutorials on youtube for all CAD packages. The principles design are the same for all of them, although the instructions differ. Once you grasp the basics it is actually not difficult.