Just a test - too?https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ll1N7Mact3TW3u7KnpgSGENQeAuacaVS/view?usp=sharingPicture should be above.EDIT: Only link shows.
I'm sure this is an acceptable place for this post. If you mods feel there should be a more grand location for this, I totally understand. It's very frustrating that we have so many helpful walk-through's, repairs, how to's, reviews, mods, etc. that "use to" have so many helpful pictures. A lot of people can't just envision the details on how to do something without pics. It's not only this forum I see it on so many various other forums that photobucket completely ruined. So here is a simple hack to solve the default pic that PB used for all those helpful threads with pictures.Go to your post.Hit "modify", go to the URL string for the image and where it ends with "jpeg" simply type in"~original"right after jpeg, so it will now read "jpeg~original" (no quotes of course) then hit "save"Here is a thread of mine that was ruined by PB and I did this to the top pic. I didn't do it to the rest yet so you guys can see the magic of a couple words. Not sure how long this will work for or if they will catch on? I feel they will probably be going out of business soon. In the mean time I encourage any helpful threads all y'all have to do this to. So to help all future air-gunners, motorcyclist, powder burners, machinist, whatever other sites you guys are goofing with. PS. Your all welcome!! Man of 2018...For all sites. https://www.gatewaytoairguns.org/GTA/index.php?topic=120764.msg1169436#msg1169436
When PhotoBucket decided to hold my pics hostage a few years ago I saved my pics to a couple CDs, deleted my PB account, opened new free photo hosting account and saved the photos from the CD to the new site.The replacement for PB was imgur.Pics from imgur using BBCode..........
Charlie, bring it on!
Still having trouble. This computer is just plain cantankerous. I emailed a photo from my cell phone to the computer. That worked. Then I downloaded and saved the photo and put the photo in a folder in the documents part. That worked. When I tried to attach the photo to a GTA reply it said the attachment was to big or took too long to load. Tomorrow is another day.