Hello all! We have made some significant improvements to the server to help with speed and security. We want to thank you all for your patience while we've been addressing a ton of issues. Please reach out to a moderator if you have any issues. Thank you again! Rick
Topics to help you navigate around GTA Forums. Q&A area for discussing forum features. PLEASE check and thoroughly read the sticky topics posted before asking questions. But if you need an answer that you do not see here already, please ask.
For Air Gun Related Announcements. You may tie your announcments in with the GTA Calendar.
Posts in the Announcement Gate are required to be approved by administration. This is not a discussion gate, it's for making announcements pertinent to the airgun community.
1. To put adds and specials in this area you must be a sanctioned GTA Dealer fill out this form: HERE. for application 2. No Dealer can reply inside another dealers thread without consent from OP dealer.
3. No attacks from the members or dealers will be tolerated In this open format
4. All adds and sales are not controlled by the GTA and vendors are responsible for all sales.
AirgunWeb and AirgunWebTV - Airgun Reviews, Videos, and How To's. We bring Facts Not Fluff!
Thank you for watching my video content. While I have a passion for all kinds of shooting sports, my favorite over the years has become high powered air rifles. We shoot targets, varmints, and big game and we have a good time in the process. Our goal is to help people make the most of what's out there and to understand the mechanics, capabilities, and limitations of todays airgun products and accessories.
Again, thank you for watching AirgunWeb.com and AirgunWebTV. For more information, or to learn how to have your products represented on the show, please visit: https://airgunweb.com and https://airgunwebtv.com.
AirgunWeb & AirgunWebTV are produced by Dog River Design, LLC. dogriverdesign.com.
No Shot Show NO PROBLEM!!!! Gateway To Airguns The premier air gun website in the world is pleased too announce Airgun Expo 2021. This coming January we bring you the first ever Virtual Airgun Expo featuring a Virtual LIVE range day and Live product demos and many personalities across the air gun world! And So much more....
Boss's Corner - Hello and welcome all. My name is Rick Eutsler from AirgunWeb. I've asked Rocker1 to create this board so that we can have open communications and discussions about the GTA and airgun-related topics. I'll be posting regularly on the new airgun gear that comes across my desk, general airgun news, updates to the forum, and other topics. Thank you for being part of the GTA!
This gate is dedicated to honor the memory of our GTA family members or others in the airgun community that have given so much to us before passing from this world to the next.
Here you will find all of my offerings to the airgun community like parts, modifications, tutorials, tips, and tricks as well as my content like articles and videos. One of the most popular things I am known for is modification kits for the Umarex Gauntlet. The modification kits that I design and fabricate are essentially for the do it yourselfer who wants more from their product but I also offer complete tuning services for the ultimate turn key experience where I completely tune and mod the rifle for you!
So take a look around and let me know if you have any questions.
Bob Sterne and Lloyd Sikes are a couple of Airgun Geeks who have developed a a very productive synergy, and often co-operate on projects and ideas. While they are very safety conscious, they are not professional Engineers. The contents of this Gate are offered as opinions only, and the authors, and the GTA, take no responsibility for their accuracy. You agree to use this content completely at your own risk. This gate will contain their builds, ideas and technical discussions, and "We welcome you to come along and enjoy the fun".
This Forum Is Dedicated To AirGun Field Hunting.
Special Note: This Forum is for air gun field hunting. There may be graphics that may not be desirable to view.
"Please do not "Enter" this forum if you oppose the explicit graphics, or do not condone this Sport.
Illegal Game Kills and Pictures: Due to the fact that each state has their own laws regarding pest control and small game, the GTA asks that you know your area's gaming laws and do not incriminate yourselves with State and Federal laws regarding protected species. NO pictures or discussions of shooting feral cats, dogs, or other domesticated animals are allowed.
All game pics MUST BE accompanied by a narrative! Threads and posts with illegal game kills outside the respective hunting seasons will be REMOVED, as will any posts not exhibiting proper sportsmanship and ethics.
Unless you are doing so to protect livestock or a working farm, DO NOT post stories of shooting small game out of season. Posts will be deleted and repeat offenders may lose their privilege to post in the Hunting Gate.
Find airgun hunting buddies here: https://www.zeemaps.com/map?group=962067
A forum for Machine Shop Enthusiasts sharing and learning Shop Equipment, technology and parts making and modification that you have done and projects that you are working on. Please post pictures of your shop,equipment, work and projects.
This board is where members post their PERSONAL review of a transaction with an individual or vendor. Not a discussion or flaming area. GTA Rules still apply in this forum: No foul language, racial slurs, and or personal attacks will be allowed.
This gate is dedicated to the discussion of long range airgun shooting of 100 yards or more. This shooting club is named N.U.A.H. for nutin' under a hundred.