Shot a red squirrel with the R9 at about 28 yards using the H&N Excite Hammer 14.66 grain pellets, went straight through and the squirrel dropped like a stone 👍
That squirrel lookes pretty hammered
Thanks to some DRS brain surgery I have changed the eating habits of these two Bad Rabbits that were destroying the gardens at work. I put in 15 minutes of my own time after clocking out, I spotted one 30 yards right in front of where I parked my truck and left it running, and another 35 or so yards across the Upick picnic area. I guess the FX DRS .22 works good enough
Nice job on another rabbit James! I bet the neighbor is jealous of your nice (tactical) air weapons, if a pumper is all he has
Owls and hawks frequent the property also many Bald Eagles, seems they can not keep up as of late. Today I was returning with gas for the lawnmower, and saw the neighbor in his golf cart pumping what looked to be an older 2100, I smiled and waved as I knew what he was after, them rascally rabbits, sur enough later as I was trimming, I spotted one near my firepit, set down the weed cutter and went to get the Nemesis X I had in the garage at the ready. Snuck back to where I could see it, went prone, took aim and another one bites the dust Made sure the neighbor could see me in action if he happened to be spying on my like the norm Scene of the crime from a 90 degree angle of the actual shooting.