Target Shooting Matches, Discussion & Events > Target Shooting Discussion Gate
Interested in the GTA Matches ? How many times a month would you shoot ?
Attention ALL GTA Shooters !
How many times a month would you be interested in shooting our Matches ???
If you do not have a comment, please vote !
Jeff D:
Come on folks, support the matches. The mods and a few faithful folks put a lot of effort into setting these up and running them. We are all here because we like to shoot, so pick a target and shoot!
btw this is Jeff, formerly 'JQR'. Seems I had to re-register.
My match participation has waned since inception but I still post them when I can.
I'm in Guy's have my son MichaelM doing up the target's for me an I'm getting ready to start!!! An I believe he is also?
Yea I can shoot the shorter matches 10-15 yards but thats all the room I have now :( printing out targets and such and getting ready as we speak :)
IMHO once a month is a good compromise.
That way we are not rushing to shoot at the last minute.
Despite the fact that people like me can't seem to get our act together to even shoot a match. :-(
But, if I get my act together, once a month is about right.
The only issue is that the shooter "should" submit his/her "final" target.
You don't want to shoot one and submit, then shoot another one and if it better submit that to raise the score, ...
Now you can always keep shooting w/o submitting, then cherry pick the target with the highest score to submit.
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