Back Room / Re: Good morning! Are you up yet? What's your plans for today?« Last post by Blowpipe Sam on Today at 10:10:41 PM »Hang in there Ron. They're getting better at treating that stuff all the time.
Evenin' y'all. I'll be up way too early in the morning tomorrow. I'll be stuck in the penalty box all day. Ya'll have a great Sunday! 2
Field Target Gates / Re: Reactive target supplier.« Last post by HunterWhite on Today at 10:07:52 PM »That looks like a good idea.
I would put the wing nut on the back side. Hunter 3
PCP/CO2/HPA Air Gun Gates "The Darkside" / Re: And so, it begins...« Last post by JuryRigger on Today at 10:02:39 PM »Well folks,
Both thanks to (and in spite of ) modern 'medicine', Mom is not only well on the road to not only recovery, but better than before(!)... Been back to work for awhile, and have made some progress-no pics as it's a bunch of half-dones; but got a MDS hammer, barrel band, and the shroud all mostly finished... Stay tuned! Jesse 5
Air Gun Gate / Re: So what did you Order / Receive today ? (to feed the "Beast" that lives within)« Last post by sekiar on Today at 09:24:43 PM »Ordered 5 tins of Exact .177 pellets from Keystone air guns! Charles
Air Gun Gate / Re: What airgun related did you do today?« Last post by sekiar on Today at 09:20:52 PM »Spent three hours enjoying my new Beeman 2027 pistol with an antique Weaver 4 power scope! Low cost guns can be very pleasing and a great way to spent the afternoon! Charles
Pellets all calibers / Re: Norma pellets discontinued?« Last post by Ike the GSD on Today at 09:09:29 PM »I think I have a lifetime supply< I better make sureI wish I did I just sighted my R9 in with the 8.4 GT FTT's, oh well when I run out of them I'm gonna order some of the RWS Superfield 9.7 Heavies from Umarex, RWS made the pellets for Norma anyway. RWS makes a Superfield 8.3 gr pellet too but I can't find them for sale on this side of the pond. Here's a link to the Superfield Heavies>>> https://www.umarexusa.com/2317425 Thanks for the compliment in the Dead Pest of the Day thread👍 8
PCP/CO2/HPA Air Gun Gates "The Darkside" / Re: Taming the bark of an Avenger« Last post by subscriber on Today at 09:09:18 PM »Sorry, Baco, after hundreds of designs, I don't remember them all. But, no worries, I found the latest file name with Liberty and dimples. Then I "reamed" it for .25, with no other refinements.
Due to the dimples in the part, the file size exceeds 3 mB, even when compressed; so I cannot attach it here. So, PM me your email address and I will email the zipped STL file to you. Note that the part must stand on its front end on the printer platen, to print correctly. This means you need to rotate the part in your slicer: 10
Back Room / Re: Good morning! Are you up yet? What's your plans for today?« Last post by Ronfiveo on Today at 08:31:43 PM »I had an ENT visit yesterday for my ongoing neck / jaw problems since Dec. 2015. Thank you and your wife so much , Wendell. "When two or more are gathered in my name...." Ron |