Is all I have to do to enter is post a pic to this thread?I wasn't interested until I realized the gun would make a good gift or giveaway item.I was shooting my .22cal, 16J LGV at 25 yd from a bench. Pellets used were 14.66gr H&N FTT. Handicaps: Soaking in sweat, paying more attention to the mosquitoes than the reticle, after being at work all day, new to me gun, never used these pellets before, pellet tin was dented, and +. I had to make sure pellets would fit through the holes of the tabs. I taped the tabs with packing tape to paper. After shooting a bunch of sight-in shots (those are the red dots), I managed to get one shot through a hole. The very last one of course! On the lower right corner of the paper. Close up shot is provided.
Wow ! Just got a personal email from Travis, telling me that my name got stuck on his hand. lol I’ve sent a personal reply to him and will await his answer. In the meantime, thank you JB and Umarex for the prize and Travis for putting it together. It was fun! And thank you Bill. Was my lucky day I guess as I’ve entered a zillion “luck” contests and this is my first win!! Yea. Waiting on answer from Travis. James
Ok , thanks everyone for the congrats (does that mean I hate you for winning?) Seriously though, it was all fun right!Many and big thanks go to JB and Umarex for offering the great gun for a prize, just to motivate us to do what we do anyway! LolAnd special thanks to Travis for putting it on and dealing with all the questions. Travis will be posting in due time about the future path of this gun. I’ve donated it to GTA to use as needed for fund raising, etc. Best, James