
All Springer/NP/PCP Air Gun Discussion General > Scopes And Optics Gate

CP 3-9x40 AO w/Trail NP XL package?

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 Was curious about the CP scope that comes w/ XL in box. The #CPB394AO2-999 in the owners manual does not exist @ site. I see the red/green version but not this one. Did a web search and nada! Is it a discontinued model? All of the CP scopes I see have different grooves on EP&AO adjustment (XL scope thin knurl? vs. wider on present CP's). Any thoughts ??? ??? ???

Dead nuts dog:
I can promise you the NPXL will eat that scope up pretty quick. Guy on here have said that crossman will exchange it for a 3x16x? That will hold up, sorry for not remembering, but if you check my post in the Bejamin/ crossman section you will find the info you need

Dead nuts dog:
Opp's 4x16x40 apparently crossman will trade ya strait across

Thanks Guys!
I hate to destroy a brand new scope. Thought about shooting Xamount of pellets before mounting anything. Would it help?

You could save it for a lower power gun too. Pick up the CP 4-16X at Wally.


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