
Target Shooting Matches, Discussion & Events > Open Class Field Target

Finally, got TX 200 up and running...First FT Match for new rig and scope...


Shot with the group from Field Target NW today at the Tacoma Rifle and Revolver Range.  A lovely wooded course.  We had 12 shooters and even had a brand new shooter, and a former NW shooter who had since moved to California and had been shooting with the Heaven's Ranch crew.    The course was woodsy as always with impossibly small KZ for some distances ( 20 yards and 3/8" kz...owch..) and some generous KZ placed in some crazy places; in trees up high, behind roots of trees and clumps of shrubbery.  What looked like a nice clean lane, once you were seated, seemed to fill in with stray branches and grasses that obscured the targets.  It was a FUN match! 

The TX 200 in .22 performed very well and all of the mistakes were mine, not the rifle.  For the final setup, I had a TX200 in .22 LH, with a lube tune performed by me, a Bushnell 6-24x 40 Elite Scope ( duplex reticle) and UTG medium mounts.  I shot with Crosman Premier's and they were shooting at 739, 736, 740 and 732 fps according to the Chrony yesterday.  I used a 23 yard zero and that gave me a flat spot according to Chairgun from 14-24 yards for a 1/4" target.  I shot from a seated FT position with no straps, but did use my new-for-fathers-day shooting jacket from Creedmor.

Since I have a duplex reticle, I used clicking.  Many errors ensued: " How many clicks was that?,  Did I remember to reset to zero? "   For many shots, i just made the correction after observing where the first shot struck the paint and held over that much on the next shot.. so much for the "precision of clicking..."  All in all, I shot a 36/56 and probably could have picked up 5-8 more points by just doing things correctly in the first place and adding a few more hours of preparation with my rifle.   

Nicely done!  Not bad for a new rifle and scope combo.  Always takes some time and (as you eluded to) practice to really get settled with a scope and rifle set up.

I'm sure next time your scores will improve even further!



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