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First Impressions of my new TX200
Out of the box. The gun looks really nice. .22 cal in beech stock. The photo on the PA site makes the wood look horrible. The photo isn't even close to the way the beech looks. I did careful research and found outside photo's on youtube etc. The beech is rich looking. Not much different than the slightly darker Walnut without the dark rings etc.. The walnut is 70 bucks more. I guess I'd have a crappy photo of the beech to push the Walnut. Not that the walnut is bad. It looks killer. I put my extra dough into the scope. I'll try and post some of the gun when I get a chance.
Anyway, I ran a dry patch through the bore and removed excess grease/oil whatever. Checked all the screws to make sure they were snug. Put on a Hawke Eclipse 30mm 4-16-50 scope. Tightened the screws till snug. No lock-tite on anything. Shot of a bench from 60 ft. Put 50 rounds through the gun. Nice shooter. Consistently putting shots within an inch during first 50 rounds. Louder than a Titan and quieter than a RWS 48. The trigger destroys the RWS. Not too hard to cock. Kinda wide fore-stock. Not expecting that. Gun feels nice. Well balanced. Noticed my cheap 9 dollar accu-shot rings were almost complete loose. Tightened them up again. After 100 rounds the screw by the trigger was loose causing the assembly to have some play in it when I cocked. Tightened that as well. After 20 more shots were loose again.
About 30 percent of the time the safety doesn't reset. You really have to make sure the lever is cocked all the way. A number of times the safety didn't reset and I fired the gun. Kind of a drag. at his point.
I really think the gun is a nice shooter. The recoil minimal. No real twang. Just need to fine tune some of these issues Hopefully then gun will breakin' nicely this weekend. Planning on putting 500 rounds through it and a little locktite. Anyone have any of these issues with he safety and the main screw by the trigger? Any tips would be helpful.
Great objective take on your new TX. Never run accross any of the issues you speak of though. The TX is a fine shooter out of the box but I find that almost every new gun I buy I completly go through them before I get real serious about putting allot of lead down field..:) I have both the TX and Pro Sport and both are extremly nice accurate shooters.They are more accuate than I am...:)
Almost no debering needed on the AA guns but a thorough tune does not hurt. Like you the fit and finish on the beach stocks are great. I also have intalled a Hawk scope on my TX and Pro Sport.
Have fun and enjoy.
congrats on the new rifle!... i have the same also in beech and in .22, and it is an astonishingly accurate rifle. plus is gorgeous to look at in rainy days. i dont doubt you'll be very pleased with it.
The gun looks great. Shot it this morning. Still have play between the steel and the wood. Don't wanna over tighten the screws but the big one by the trigger needs something. The gun has a slight rattle. It's not the cocking lever. I realize all rifles are helped by a tune. But a gun at this price point shouldn't have these issues. So it's me, something I'm not doing to secure the bolts or the gun is bad. The safety is still reseting 4 out of 5 times. That's not good enough for me. Could be the play in the action... maybe I have a bad gun.
tml.....congrats on that beauty!!!!!!
Might just tear it down and tune it a little. Check the pieces, hit it with some lube. The TX is probably the easiest AG by far to tear down. Not unusual for a new one to be tight and needs to break in, a minor tune helps alot. I'm with Gene....and I'm certainly no tuner, just a parts changer.........but,before getting in serious shooting mode, I like to tear them down. It's easy to have little burrs and glitches in any new gun. I also like to look at the piston seals..........almost all have cracks, or scraps, or even chunks in them. It's real easy to damage the seal during installation. Don't think I've ever had a new gun that didn't.
Anyway the TX is an awsome gun, and probably the best you could choose for your first tune........guys on here will give guidance when needed............enjoy that new beauty!!!!!!!!!!!!
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