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Beeman 2028 leaking out fill port

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I have taken it out but cant find the right size oring that fits over the bronze bushing in the check valve anyone have a size for the oring or a way to get the whole assembly


--- Quote from: x3baddad on July 27, 2024, 01:15:40 PM ---I have taken it out but cant find the right size oring that fits over the bronze bushing in the check valve anyone have a size for the oring or a way to get the whole assembly

--- End quote ---
not sure but it's probably a #006, take it out and find an ACE hardware near you or any Hardware dedicated store, not likely at the big box stores, Harbor freight sells an O-ring kit that would probably have most of the O-rings you would need, it does contain the #006 O-ring, look for the big Blue metric O-ring kit if you go to HF.
you could also try lubing the o-ring with silicone oil, you can get silicone oil at your local hobby shop, it's silicone shock oil, any weight will work.
it is best to lube o-ring with silicone oil or silicone grease before installing.... ;)

I have an H.F. oring kit several different ones none are the right thickness, silicone oil was my first try. I have to take the assembly off the gun tube to get to the oring with the bronze bushing in the center that the shaft goes thru I've had it off 3 or times trying to get it to seal it started out leaking at 2000 psi and then holding kinda then it wouldn't take more than 200 psi and starts leaking as fast as it tries to fill.

Well I found my other oring kit and it's 007 for that leak

HF sells the metric kit and the SAE kits. I buy them both.


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