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Affordable Scope options for a Walther LGV and LGU
Hi gang! I've got both a Walther LGU and an LGV. I'm currently in the market for new scopes for these guns. I need a springer rated scope with relatively high magnification. Prefer something more than 12X. I shoot mainly targets from a bench at 25 - 50 yards.
Obviously, I'm hoping for the most bang for my buck. I know my guns but my scope knowledge is pretty limited. Any advice from those knowledgeable in optics is greatly appreciated.
Personally I have been using the Airmax series from Hawke, spinger rated, desingned for springers, and from what I hear an excellent warranty. They are parallex adjustable down to 10 meters, a plus for some of us. To me the downside is a rather busy reticule.
Something like this......
--- Quote from: Razor62 on May 09, 2023, 09:45:16 AM ---Hi gang! I've got both a Walther LGU and an LGV. I'm currently in the market for new scopes for these guns. I need a springer rated scope with relatively high magnification. Prefer something more than 12X. I shoot mainly targets from a bench at 25 - 50 yards.
Obviously, I'm hoping for the most bang for my buck. I know my guns but my scope knowledge is pretty limited. Any advice from those knowledgeable in optics is greatly appreciated.
--- End quote ---
Hello Kevin;
Scopes are VERY personal things.
Since you want something quite "Vanilla" as far as magnification is concerned, the next thing is a definition of "affordable".
In airguns, because you are basically exploring the limits of accuracy, you do need to think of spending between 1 and 3 times what you spent in the gun. It is very hard to come up with something in the $100-$200 range that will give you that edge to push the limits in the accuracy game.
Now, airgunners are prone to spend several thousands dollars in scopes. Especially FT shooters, ¿Why? because that is where the game is.
True that guns have to be consistent and precise, but the half the game is ranging the distance to the target with the scope, and the other half is holding for the wind, again, with the scope. Some shooters "click" the elevations for each shot, but I don't know anyone that clicks the windage of each shot.
So, starting from the $200 lower range for rifles of the quality you are mentioning, I would suggest you look at these:
Veyron Compacts:
This can be had/found at around $200
This will be found at around $300
Both have good optics and good mechanics, the reticles are not full Christmas tree reticles, so a bit cleaner, but still providing a lot of info right at the reticle. BOTH are FFP, which is a huge asset.
In the next price range, I would suggest this one:
Great optics and sturdy mechanics, it can be found/had for about $400
Reticle is a full Christmas tree, so, for some shooters, the reticle is "too busy".
For me it is barely adequate, LOL!
Look over the specs and let us know if we can be of further assistance, there are other scopes with simpler reticles. For bench shooting, the complexity of the reticle should offer no challenge, and will offer additional capabilities.
HTH, keep well and shoot straight!
Thanks to everyone who responded. This is all good feedback. Hector, I was hoping that you'd chime in. So these scopes that you recommended are able to withstand springer recoil? I think that the VEYRON 6-24X44IR FFP is what I'm looking for at a price that I'm comfortable with.
Thanks again folks.
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