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1358 underlever Regulator Question

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Many thanks Guys

Have Experience on PCP's and sprinters,  replaced many seals and springs
O-Ringed my fortitudes, my Hansen Flash pup will soon be installing a regulator which will need a mod for venting

I'm more or less gathering information on the hurtles I may encounter for this install

Thanks again guys

Jim Stephens:
i installed an Altros reg that used to fit in he diana that was sold by pyramid air you have to make a new plenum to fit the air chamber, and i nstalled 2 orings on itto add in stability , easy to install and remove , no holes or other mods needed. shot count is down about  10 i guess but i still get a good 25 to 35 at least, but they are consistant all with in ai/2 inch at 45 yrds , depends on what your looking for meat on the table or holes in paper. After 10 yrs in country and really using a special built rifle fof the job , one shot one kill over spraying. hope this helps . USMC retired scout sniper/force recon ,


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