Air gun Entertainment and reviews > Hajimoto Productions
Nova Freedom/Seneca Aspen bottle adapter
I'm looking for this too. Did you ever find out?
No haven't found out anything. It's really frustrating that the there is an adapter for the Nova Liberty/ Avenger but not for the Freedom/ Aspen that could benefit the most from it.
Best I can tell is to have a machine shop make a custom one off.
Rob M:
Justin ,
I can make the adapter, making it from scratch might be pricey , but what about i make the adapter to asa from the stock part by simply adding a hex ASA on the right side . like this
send me the factory adapter, ill do it to my OWN spec and test the seal to 4000 and send it back. If you want a completely original part, I dont have time for that and it would cost as much as the gun. Anyway , just giving you an option to reliably mount tanks to the gun.. If not interrested , no biggie , just throwing it out there because its pretty straight forward.
I'd buy one too Rob, if you're willing to do more than one. Thought it may make it a little more worth your trouble, instead of setting up for just one part.
--- Quote from: 2K1TJ on October 25, 2023, 11:39:39 AM ---I'd buy one too Rob, if you're willing to do more than one. Thought it may make it a little more worth your trouble, instead of setting up for just one part.
--- End quote ---
And another buyer here as well, Rob
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