Air gun Entertainment and reviews > Hajimoto Productions
Nova Freedom/Seneca Aspen bottle adapter
--- Quote from: Rob M on October 25, 2023, 07:58:16 PM ---yea, that 1 inch section out front will serve no purpose.( other than reverting back to the pump system in the future
--- End quote ---
Rob M
I remain interested, but a little confused.
PM on the way
Rob M:
ok,, to clarify something
You would be sending your adapter as pictured above in post" reply 4 " by justin,
Id then take that part, part off the useless side ( right side ) and add the hex asa adapter by drilling and threading the part. Id seal it , and send it back to you ready to install. hope that clarifies any confusion. The cost will be relatively low with the information I have soo far
One more thing worth noting , youd need a regulated tank to use the proposed adapter, unlike the home depot solution up top.
"Id then take that part, part off the useless side ( right side ) and add the hex asa adapter by drilling and threading the part"
sooooo cutting off that 1 inch, rethreading it for the ASA adapter and reinstalling it lets me use a reg'd bottle?
oh man yer killing me.... PM inbound
Check with Wayne at Alien Airguns and bargains. He's also on Facebook.
Tack Driver 10:
Palmers can make you one or buy the adapter and thread the 16mm end.
Call for a quote.
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