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Anyone try the 12ga. Paradox slugs from the Russian molds in their Zeus?
I see the Paradox slugs have bands that measure .728. Shouldn't they work in the Zeus? They come with up to 3 different weight options for one mold. Has anyone ordered them from Russia for their shotguns and are they good molds?
I've got one, they're not very accurate, I believe the smaller dia on the bottom band makes them a bit wobbly, I'm going to first powder coat some, and maybe lap it larger, and see if that helps. I was impressed with the build quality of the mold itself, and the pin fitment, however.
Please keep me posted if it works out. I also have a Diablo 12ga. muzzle loading pistol and it would be great to use it in both as casting your own is a lot cheaper. I wonder if the plastic wad that's made to slip on the bottom would help?
I'm also thinking of trying one of the 12ga. slugs that American Gun Craft makes for the Diablo if it would work in the Zeus. I'm not sure how the plastic wad would work with the rifling in the Zeus, it's pretty deep. A smooth bore barrel for the Zeus might be interesting.
--- Quote from: ba49 on December 13, 2021, 10:41:04 PM --- Please keep me posted if it works out. I also have a Diablo 12ga. muzzle loading pistol and it would be great to use it in both as casting your own is a lot cheaper. I wonder if the plastic wad that's made to slip on the bottom would help?
I'm also thinking of trying one of the 12ga. slugs that American Gun Craft makes for the Diablo if it would work in the Zeus. I'm not sure how the plastic wad would work with the rifling in the Zeus, it's pretty deep. A smooth bore barrel for the Zeus might be interesting.
--- End quote ---
Have you shot your diablo yet? I got one a few months ago but have yet to try it. It's the first muzzle loader ive bought so I don't have any supplies for it.
Yes Matt, I have shot it about 50 shots. I bought the AGC slugs and use them with the 50gr. 50cal. powder pellets. I bought one for my wife and one for me for car and home defense. (we have CCWs) I figure the intimidation factor alone should stop most bad guys. Recoil with that load isn't bad. I think I will try those AGC slugs in the Zeus when I get a chance. I just ordered the 8" Desperado for a fun gun. It should get more velocity with the longer barrels. It would be nice if I could cast the same bullet for both the BP guns and the Zeus as the bores are very close in size. Bill
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