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Crosman Diamondback .22 (Nitro Piston Elite gas ram)

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I shot some targets in the basement this weekend at 10 yards and 10 meters. I found several promising pellets.

I tried CP domes (14.3 gr.) at 26 yards and the result was horrible. However, it was windy, rainy and I rested the rifle directly on my knee. If it’s hold-sensitive, that might have caused the large groups.

I called it a day after that; went to go watch the Bears get smoked again.

Attached are a few targets, annotated. 2" at 26 yards is unacceptable, in my eye. I'm guessing with my abilities and shooting position would let me hold maybe 1/2" at that range. I think I could easily shoot a 1/2" group with my Air Arms S510, for example. I don't expect that kind of accuracy out of this gun, but 1" is not unreasonable.

I'll keep shooting as it probably has only 100 rounds through it. It shouldn't need as much break-in as a spring piston gun, but maybe more than it has.

It's also possible that CP domes are good at 10 yards, but just don't hold up at 26 yards. I'll try H&N Baracuda 15 and FTT pellets next. Maybe lunchtime today.

Oh, by the way, I have an MTC Optics Viper Pro 10x44 scope on it now.

I just got an email from Crosman with this link; it's on sale again, this time for $112 + free CONUS shipping. Normal (realistic) price is $150. No junky scope & rings included, either. (which I consider a bonus...)

Having finally finished the Stoeger S8000E-TAC review, it's time to pick this one up again.

I sat down today and shot another 100 rounds; I consider break-in to be done now. 

As always, I can't help but measure groups. I'm just shooting in my basement tonight, so they're only 10 yards, but it's enough to sort out which pellets I'll try at 25 yards.

Here are some shooting notes:

* It likes a being held a bit firmly into the shoulder
* It likes being supported under the fake mag well, rather than further up under the cocking slot. This is important, as it cuts group sizes in half when you do this.
* The trigger is not light, but it isn't ridiculously heavy either, and has a clean break. It's pretty easy to predict where it'll break. It's the best trigger I've ever shot from a budget break-barrel. Much better than the Stoeger that costs twice as much (if you can find them).I'm sold on Crosman's "Clean Break Trigger"
Best pellets so far: (at 10 yards, rested on hand)

* H&N Terminator, 0.22" avg. over two 5-shot groups. If they hold up at distance, these will be AWESOME pesting rounds.
* H&N Baracuda 15, 0.34" avg. over three 5-shot groups. These will likely be the most accurate at longer ranges.
* H&N Field Target Trophy (5.55), 0.35" over two 5-shot groups. These are about as accurate as Baracuda 15, but are a SUPER-tight fit in the breech. I don't like them.
* H&N Excite Hammer, 0.35" avg over two 5-shot groups. (14.7 gr.) These are very similar to RWS Superdome, but are a more consistent fit in the breech.
* RWS Superdome, 0.38" avg. over three 5-shot groups. This pellet just goes on and on. I remember seeing it in Beeman catalogs in the 80s. Sometimes its garbage, sometimes, it's the only one that'll shoot well out of a given gun. It's ALWAYS worth keeping in stock, though.
<TANGENT ALERT> Just for fun, I'm going to compare this against the Hatsan AirTact, as they are the same price, are both available in .22. and advertise the same power level.

ERGONOMICS: AirTact wins this one. It's shorter and less muzzle-heavy. The pistol grip is more comfortable and it's easier to cock. There's no ridiculous fake mag well either, like the Diamondback has.

MANUFACTURER CLAIMS: Crosman wins this one easily. It delivers the power it says it does (20+ FPE) and the moderator works. The Clean Break Trigger does indeed break cleanly, with no stacking and it isn't gritty either. Almost everything Hatsan claims is a lie. Power is 13 FPE, not 20 FPE. The moderator is decorative; doesn't do anything. (maybe if I shrink wrap it?)

TRIGGER: Crosman wins again. It's a bit heavy, but breaks cleanly and predictably. It's not match grade, but is quite shootable. The AirTact trigger has a long, gritty, heavy pull with the mystery break that all the budget springer triggers had, back in the day.

ACCURACY: The jury's still out as I need to shoot the AirTact more. They're about the same at 10 yards, but the AirTact is less pellet-picky.

MODERATOR: Crosman wins. It works great and is backyard-friendly. The Hatsan is at least twice as loud, despite making 60% of the power the Diamondback does.

SHOT CYCLE: Crosman wins. The nitro piston seems to be finally perfected, in its 3rd generation. When I switch to the AirTact, it is buzzy and slow.

CONCLUSION: For plinking, the Hatsan wins, as it is more comfortable to shoot. Less recoil, with a shorter, lighter cocking stroke. For everything else, the Crosman wins. Crosman has really made a lot of progress in the last 5 years.


Back to the Diamondback. See below for a nice variety target. Annotations are written on it.

Next step with the Diamondback is to shoot it at 30 yards in the indoor range; maybe a couple Saturdays from now.

I got home and outside today in time to shoot a few groups at 26 yards. I did two 10-shot groups with H&N Terminators and two with H&N Baracuda 15s.

The group2 pic was shot sitting on the floor, back against the wall, rested on my hand.

The upper left-most pic in the group1 pic was shot the same way.

The other two groups from the group1 pic were shot from a rest, so that more solid rest didn't seem to help group size at all. (though the light was failing a bit by that time.)

It's a 1 to 1.5" group at 26 yards so far. With a bit of patience and a couple hundred more rounds through it, I bet it'll be a 1" gun @ 25 yards.

Good thorough review.  I still have an mcarbo trigger kit for np2 but still haven’t bought a rifle. BTW, IMO coyote hunting with this is head shot only.


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