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Dead man walking!!!

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I'm almost broke. I whine about it all the time. So I make an even trade for a B30/22. But I took someone's advice and called Uramex to see if they had any RWS refurbs. Well I was contacted today and informed that it has an RWS model 52/.22 for $270.00 shipped. darn credit cards!! Now I have to tell the wife when she gets home that we aren't out of debt yet.
I'm doomed. I've got just a few hours to grow a pair and be ready for the assault! :(  (Yeah. I know. Man up)
Need some love, brothers

I'm afraid you will have to take her out to dinner, maybe a movie but definately followed by taking her on a shooting session!!!!
It's your ONLY hope my brother!!!!  ;D
Happy Shooting!!!!

I've been thinking of changing my online name to "Deadmeat" :D The rifle has no warranty, but I'm to check the operation as soon as it arrives. NP. Right?

 LOL Well don't tell her :P  When most of my guns come in, i spend a day or two before hand making sure shes confused by the profusion of guns being cleaned, checked or paraded around in front of her. Then i'll make sure she's gone on the day the fedex guy comes.. Mix the new one in with it's brothers and the assimillation is complete. It's just another stripe on the zebra.

  It all sounds good but in truthfulness i quit sneaking guns in years ago. Now i pretty much only buy new ones to replace ones i sell. She knows i've got a gun problem but am working hard on recovery..  8)



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