
All Springer/NP/PCP Air Gun Discussion General > Tuners

***As a reminder***


This gate was set up for our members to post their personal experience with those in our community that sell their services as airgun tuners. The whole reason for this area is to help us decide whether to hire any particular tuner or not. It is not and will not be an area for debate. It is for posting YOUR personal experience with a tuner. PLEASE respect the comments, whether they are good or bad. If they are within the boundary of our posted rules, every member has the right to post their honest appraisal of a transaction.
JUST like the Buyers, Sellers and Traders Gate. This will not work unless we allow the good and the bad to be reported. We all know there can never be 100% customer satisfaction. No company, person or forum will EVER achieve that goal. What we have to do is weigh the good with the bad and decide for ourselves if we would be taking a chance. And if we are willing to do so.
Do not turn a post into a discussion or debate.
Please keep comments to YOUR personal experience.
I really would like to see just a single post by the customer, be it good or bad.
Thank you for keeping this area going in the direction it was intended for!!!
SAFE & Happy Shooting!!!!


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