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So if you didn't do anything airgun related what did you do today?
Might be a good time to put an MRE in your pocket... just sayin'. ;)
No really, I hope it's all good news.
Madd Hatter:
Well I did find out I still have a brain but it's shrunk a little. What???? 😦
Blowpipe Sam:
--- Quote from: 2A Georgia on January 13, 2025, 10:16:04 PM ---Memsahib and I closed on 2 acres of land in North Georgia near Carters Lake. Started a dialogue with a well driller and working in CADD on the floor plans.
About to get busy....
--- End quote ---
Congratulations! Very pretty country thereabouts. I hope you have friendlier neighbors than we did.
--- Quote from: Madd Hatter on January 14, 2025, 04:14:49 PM ---Well I'm glowing and not because I'm pregnant.🤔 Much different experience so far 👍👍👍.
--- End quote ---
You're not a mutant enemy of society since you got radiated are you? :o
Well I slid in to work 45 minutes late and no one noticed. I hung around the ranger shack and annoyed the public for a couple of hours. Then I hid out behind the shop and smoked. I have a talent for picking up a shovel just before the boss makes an appearance. My co-workers say it's uncanny. The secret to effective loafing is this. Always have a plan. Know what you are doing when management asks you. I like to load up a UTV with a bunch of tools and drive around the park. The trick is to keep moving and don't linger too long in one spot. A clip board makes an excellent prop. No one ever questions the guy with the clipboard. I pay assiduous attention to my Federally mandated fifteen minute breaks too. ;D
Sqrl Klr:
Sam that works for me too with the mower and dump cart parked in front where the cars going by think I'm in the middle of work when I'm really sitting on the back patio enjoying a drink. Can't have people driving by thinking I never do anything.
Killed a wild boar today right by my house! Pregnant sow coming to me and not coming to play marbles! My AR didn't fire so racked another round in the chamber and tagged it at 10yds. Didn't have time to clean the AR so I got the gun shop to do that and it got a Marine cleaning where it's mighty good to go now. Didn't have time to process the boar so dumped it on the back of the property with the tractor for the coyotes.
Blowpipe Sam:
Congratulations on that porker Gil!
I wish I was as good at loafing as I claim to be. My problem is whenever I get ready to goof off I always see something that needs to be dealt with. My rule is “Take care of the little problems now and there won’t be any big problems later”. So I don’t ever get to be as lazy as I’d like. :(
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