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Parts help Benjamin 30/30 (co2 bb)
So I picked up a 30/30 Benji that is missing one (or more) part. There's a screw off sleeve that houses the 8g powerlet. The back end that goes inside it is missing. I'm guessing this "cap" that's missing also pierces the powerlet? Not sure which direction the co2 faces.
Anyone know who I might contact thst would possibly have parts?
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I'm not missing anything. Powerlet goes on the other way and the round end simply sticks out a little thru the sleeve that screws on to hold it. She's throwing bb's now!
Glad you gotta it figured out.
The co2 benji's are strange animals that I've never delved into and I'm nou sure I care to.
Mike Baker sells an adapter to use 12 g cartridges with that gun.
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