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What are the best words an airgun collector can get in the morning?

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Estimated delivery
Today, August 28 by 7:00 P.M.

You won, pay now to receive...!
Are also great words, but yes receiving the airgun or parts needed to repair and shoot it is definitely better than just winning an auction for them.

Iowa airguner:
How about “ Honey there is a package on the porch. Must have been there all night”

Madd Hatter:

--- Quote from: Iowa airguner on August 28, 2024, 10:43:25 AM ---How about “ Honey there is a package on the porch. Must have been there all night”

--- End quote ---

But it must have rained cause it's all wet 🤒.lol


--- Quote from: 45flint on August 28, 2024, 10:00:35 AM ---Estimated delivery
Today, August 28 by 7:00 P.M.

--- End quote ---
Yep, great words until they turn into "arriving late". I no longer get excited until I see "out for delivery". Even then I only have about 50% faith.


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