
All Springer/NP/PCP Air Gun Discussion General > 3D printing and files

Extended Notos muffler inserts

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There is no way to attach a file to a PM, unless it is attached to a forum post.  So, here is the STEP file you requested for the Notos insert.


--- Quote from: subscriber on August 03, 2024, 10:38:20 PM ---
Just a head's up, this forum is for airguns shooting pellets, slugs and BBs.  They do not entertain discussions about airsoft guns.  Not unless it is pertinent to airguns shooting pellets, slugs or BBs.

--- End quote ---
Not sure how I miss this comment and not really sure how to take it, but may be a little bit of education is needed.  Airsoft is an airgun. It shoots 6mm BB.s plastic or aluminum at an avg from 270 fps to 450fps depending what rifle it is. It use an air piston either operated by a battery or a high pressure air system 4500 psi or lower. Most of these are tuned to 100psi output to safely  to shoot at other opponents.  Max range is around 100yds.
Both airguns and airsoft use the same type of moderator hence posting and asking questions in this forum. I was wanting  to take my knowledge of airsoft moderators to see if I could tweak the Notos some and seeing you had a great base for that ideal, I wanted to expand on it.
The most famous bb guns is the Red Ryder with the 350 fps. Do you not entertain discussions about these either?


If the forum mods don't complain, I don't mind what airguns you talk about.  But, I have seen posts about airsoft get deleted, due to there being a rule against it. 

There is a forum section for BB guns:

I agree that steel or lead BBs and plastic BBs are not that dissimilar.  It may be that people shoot at each other with airsoft for fun in mock battles.  This, while the forum wants to be disassociated from the practice, because the primary interest is shooting with metal BBs, pellets and slugs.

There is a thread about the max velocity achievable with a PCP airgun, that includes shooting a 6 mm plastic airsoft balls at well over 2000 FPS.  So, there is obviously not a rule about never mentioning airsoft projectiles. 

I think that if you ask how to increase an airsoft gun's velocity or cyclic rate, you are more likely to run into a mod that wants to enforce the rule below:


--- Quote ---3- Subjects not related to airguns should be addressed in the “Back Room” and not on the main forums. NO DISCUSSIONS OF RELIGIOUS OR POLITICAL SUBJECTS PERMITTED AT ALL.
   (3a)- Firearm and/or Airsoft Discussions are NOT PERMITTED (we ARE an airgun forum) and will be Deleted. Repeat Offences will result in Administrative actions which can include direct warnings, probationary periods, or deletion of membership account.
--- End quote ---

I am not a spoil-sport or a stickler for rules, but want to spare you a potential negative interaction with the mods, that might leave you less interested in future forum participation.

If the above rule is a problem for you, and you think there is overlap in tech, you could talk to people privately.  Else, you could be developing BB gun tech, using airsoft to accomplish that, for all I know :)

And that is all I have to say about that...

Discussions on airsoft guns shooting plastic BBs are not permitted on the GTA... Been that way for years and unlikely to change.
Arguments are futile.
There are airsoft forums for those wishing to discus them.


--- Quote from: avator on August 12, 2024, 09:38:30 AM ---Discussions on airsoft guns shooting plastic BBs are not permitted on the GTA... Been that way for years and unlikely to change.
Arguments are futile.
There are airsoft forums for those wishing to discus them.

--- End quote ---
I just joined a crossbow forum to find out  more about a used crossbow I just bought ;)


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