
All Springer/NP/PCP Air Gun Discussion General > Air Archery

Air javelin shot count increase


Got an air javelin recently for my 50 ft range.

Using 2 12 gr co2 with the adapter, I got 6 good shots out of the bix, plus a 7th occassionally (sometimes 7 was on poi, sometimes not).

Having followed threads here on GTA, I knew about the slot for an allen key to adjust the hammer spring tension that is hidden under the sliding stock.

After making adjustments, I now get 12 good shots from 2 12 gr co2 with the adapter. I get another three bad shots with drop in poi as well after the 12.   My little plastic chrono is no good for testing bolts, so I cannot speak to fps difference. However, at 50 ft poi is about the same as stock tune was.

Wanted GTA to know the adjustment works and 12 good shots is doable with two regular co2 12 gr. Also wanted to put a general GTA thank you out there for the info. Haven't come across any posts confirming the adjustment can increase shot count and so I'm posting it here.


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