All Springer/NP/PCP Air Gun Discussion General > Vintage Air Gun Gate
Lets see those oldies
Ted Howe:
Post a picture of your favorite oldie (air rifle ) here,
Give a discription of your gun, show and tell time.
Here is my Crosman model 147 made 1956-1962.
I restored this gun inside and out.
It is a Pneumatic pump, .177 cal., single shot. Second variant with steel breech & without spoon-handle breech cover.
Shoots at 890 fps with 10 pumps
Desert Drifter:
Here is a 1st variant Crosman 760 "Posermaster". Wonderful little tack driver.
More to follow:
My oldest airgun to date is a Sears variant 1400 that was given to me by one of my sons friends. This gun was his dads and it was in need of some t.l.c. His dad was going to toss it in the trash. I'm glad he didn't and it turned out to be a nice little shooter.
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Here's a nice little Benjamin 250 I picked up last year. The prior owner put new grips on it and they handle better than what came with it. The 250, 257 and 252 are small for a CO2 pistol and use 8 gram powerlets. They were made from 1952 until 1956. This one doesn't have a serial number so it is one of the earlier one's. It a great can killer out to about 10 yards. If you run accross a working one at a decent price snap it up. I promise you will not regret it.
My oldest is a Remington 26 BB pump action
then comes this cute little model 16 Diana dated to 1930
to the very elegant BSA Cadet dated to 1945-46
a classic Benji 312
to German precision
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