All Springer/NP/PCP Air Gun Discussion General > German AirGun Gate
lets see those Fraulein's !!!(german pic thread)
here is a pic of my ladies a 350 mag.177 and a 34 .177 and a 34 .22
These ags are extremely accurate shooters, I am glad I went with a german line.
I had to choose between my back ground german vs british, and these I could afford.Rob
My Turn
RWS 34 Diana GRT Tuned
RWS 52 Diana Lube Tuned
RWS 54 Diana
Weihrauch HW97KT
My Wifes RWS Diana 54
Pretty slim pickings here and maybe that's why we're developing such an intimate relationship. :-*
So far she hasn't warmed to Czech pellets or visa versa,,,must be an animosity thing.
Desert Drifter:
Weihrauch HW35E in .177. What a sweetie.. This is my go to AG when I just want to shoot at paper and feel the shooting process.
I'm half German and I just call them "babes".
Here's a few:
Circa 1903 Diana GEM
This little old smoothbore can still strut her stuff
(Five at about seven yards, offhand)
A bit later in the century, circa 1927 Haenel III DRP
Und der liddle brudder from der same year, Haenel I DRP
(mit der bad sear to fixin some day)
Und now der modernichst gunz
Das 54
At the other end of the spectrum, a 24
One or two more, plus a couple of Milbro lookalikes. Thinking about adding an early Winchester 427 in .22 (if it's still available).
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