Target Shooting Matches, Discussion & Events > Target Shooting Discussion Gate
We currently use 5 different target types for our GTA matches. Some types have multiple sheet options to support bull preferences for scoped sights, open sights or even printer ink usage; large and small pellet traps; and scaled rings for reduced distance shooting or different calibers. Competitors are also welcome to run their own matches as threads in the Target Shooting Discussion Gate.
The target sheets used at the moment:
10 Meter Offhand Air Rifle and 5 Meter Air Pistol:
Original boxed Gamo targets can be used in place of the Gamo target of your choice linked below. If you prefer "scoped" over "open sights" Gamo versions, or vice-versa, have at it and have fun!
Open Sights Rifle (10 meters) and Pistol (5 meters):
GamoX5_30Bull.pdf, GamoX5_30Bull_SmallTrap.pdf, GamoX5_9Bull.pdf, GamoX5_9Bull_SmallTrap.pdf, GamoX12_30Bull.pdf, GamoX12_9Bull.pdf
Scoped Rifle (10 meters) and Pistol (5 meters):
GamoX5.pdf, GamoX5_SmallTrap.pdf, GamoX12.pdf
10 Meter Offhand Air Rifle Challenge Match:
ISSF or NRA AR5 10 Meter Air Rifle targets can be used in place of the linked options below.
30 Yard Rested Rifle (PCP and Piston Classes):
Choose the target that matches your caliber: "45" for 0.177 (4.5mm); "55" for 0.20 or 0.22 (5.5mm); or "635" for 0.25 (6.35mm) caliber.
MOA6_30YDx20_45.pdf, MOA6_30YDx20_55.pdf, MOA6_30YDx20_635.pdf
10 Meter Air Pistol:
Standard ISSF Compliant 10 Meter Air Pistol targets or NRA B40 10 Meter Air Pistol targets may also be used in this match with 177 caliber pistols.
.177 caliber single and double full Black Center Bulls:
AirPistol10M_45.pdf, AirPistol10M_45_SmallTrap.pdf, AirPistol10Mx2_45.pdf
.177 caliber single and double White Center Bulls (Easier for Red Dot/Black cross-hairs):
AirPistol10M_45Wht.pdf, AirPistol10Mx2_45Wht.pdf, AirPistol10M_45Wht_SmallTrap.pdf
.20 cal and larger single and double full Black Center Bulls:
AirPistol10M_55.pdf, AirPistol10M_55_SmallTrap.pdf, AirPistol10Mx2_55.pdf
.20 cal and larger single and double White Bulls (Easier for Red Dot/Black Cross-hairs):
AirPistol10M_55Wht.pdf, AirPistol10Mx2_55Wht.pdf, AirPistol10M_55Wht_SmallTrap.pdf
Versions scaled down to score essentially the same shooting at 5 meters as the 10 meter targets shot at 10 meters (2 shots per bull):
.177 caliber (Scaled for shooting at 5 meters):
AirPistol5Mx5_45.pdf, AirPistol5Mx5_45_SmallTrap.pdf, AirPistol5Mx5_45_8Bull.pdf, AirPistol5Mx5_45_8Bull_SmallTrap.pdf, AirPistol5Mx2_45_SmallTrap.pdf, AirPistol5Mx2_45_8Bull_SmallTrap.pdf
.20 and larger calibers (Scaled for shooting at 5 meters):
AirPistol5Mx5_55.pdf, AirPistol5Mx5_55_SmallTrap.pdf, AirPistol5Mx5_55_8Bull.pdf, AirPistol5Mx5_55_8Bull_SmallTrap.pdf
50 Feet Casual Rifle (PCP and Piston Classes):
Many targets to choose from for this match...but not that confusing really. Targets sheets are for scoped or "Open Sights" airguns, just choose the one that matches your caliber: "45" for 0.177 (4.5mm); "55" for 0.20 or 0.22 (5.5mm); or "635" for 0.25 (6.35mm) caliber.
Scope Sights:
MOA15_50FTx12_45.pdf, MOA15_50FTx12_55.pdf, MOA15_50FTx12_635.pdf
Open Sights Black Center Options:
MOA15_50FTx6_45Blk.pdf, MOA15_50FTx6_55Blk.pdf
Random Plinker:
The number of target sheet pdf files I've made over the years has grown, but they have resided scattered about the GTA hidden in old threads. Reply posts that follow in this thread organize the targets by category as attachments to the posts to collect the targets in one easy to find place.
Not all of the targets attached to posts below are used in current GTA Shooting Matches. Target sheets actively used in GTA Shooting Matches are identified above in the first post of this thread, which provides links to the target sheet files used in the matches. The rules posted for each match also provide links to the target sheet files applicable to each match.
General information on the pdf target sheet files follows.
* Check print options before printing the targets. Targets must be printed "Actual size", not "Fit" to printable area within the margins and not "Scaled" to the paper size used. Scoring ring diameters are listed on the targets so they can be checked after printing with a ruler. The thickness of scoring ring lines is part of the ring diameters-measure to the outside edge of the rings.
* Except for "SmallTrap" layouts, bulls are positioned on the target sheets so that they will print to both Letter paper (8.5x11 inches) or A4 paper (8.27x11.69 inches). The paper size specified in the pdf files is Letter; however, additional space is reserved on the right and left sides of the sheets so that adequate margins are maintained if the file is printed centered on A4 paper.
* "SmallTrap" target sheets are designed for use in 5.5x5.5 inch square target traps, such as the Gamo cone trap. They need to be printed to Letter size paper for the half sheet layouts to fit in these traps. The lower bulls on these targets are positioned with space to the edges of a square trap behind them in mind, but remember to flip the targets over to shoot the upper bulls! A backstop is recommended for the times you forget to flip them over. It will happen - don't ask how I know.
* If the files are opened in drawing software, the software may report smaller circle diameters than the ring diameters listed on these targets-this is intentional and correct. Most drawing software centers the border line of circle objects across the edge of the circle diameter. If the border line thickness (half thickness on each side of the circle) were not subtracted from the ring diameter to specify the circle diameter, the scoring rings would be too large by the thickness of the scoring ring line. As an example, the 10 ring on the 10 Meter ISSF Air Rifle Target is 0.5 mm in diameter - if drawn incorrectly as a 0.5mm circle with a 0.2mm border line, it would be an easier to score 0.7mm diameter scoring ring.
The pdf target sheet files were produced using the LibreOffice Draw application. Scaling and layout calculations were performed in a LibreOffice Calc spreadsheet. An example Draw file and the Calc spreadsheet are attached. You must be logged in as a GTA member to see and download this attachment.
Random Plinker:
10 Meter Air Pistol target sheet pdf files are attached to this post. You must be logged in as a GTA member to see and download the pdf files attached below.
Target sheet pdf files with "45" in the name have scoring ring diameters, number font size and scoring ring line thickness compliant with ISSF and NRA 10 Meter Air Pistol regulations. These targets are for 177 caliber (4.5mm) pellets. Scoring rings on files with "55" in the name are reduced in diameter so that there is no scoring advantage or disadvantage to making larger 22 caliber (5.5mm) holes.
Regulation targets are black to the 7 ring and extend to the 1 ring. Targets meeting this standard are attached below; however, variations with two bulls per sheet and/or a white center and/or fewer rings are also attached.
In addition, all white versions designed for printing to a transparency are attached. The transparency can be placed over a shot out target as a scoring aid.
Random Plinker:
10 Meter Air Pistol target sheet pdf files with bulls scaled to score essentially the same shot at 5 meters as regulation ISSF Olympic or NRA B40 targets shot at 10 meters are attached to this post. You must be logged in as a GTA member to see and download the pdf files attached below.
Target sheet pdf files with "45" in the name are for 177 caliber (4.5mm) pellets. Scoring rings on files with "55" in the name are reduced in diameter so that there is no scoring advantage or disadvantage to making larger 22 caliber (5.5mm) holes.
Files with "8Bull" in the name are black only to the 8 ring to raise the point of impact toward the center of the target when using a 6 o'clock hold sight picture at 5 meters with typical sights adjusted for a 6 o'clock hold at 10 meters. In other words, they effectively eliminate the need to adjust your sights or sight picture when switching between 5 meters and 10 meters. As a side benefit, they use less printer ink.
More information on how these targets are scaled may be found here:
10 Meter Air Pistol Targets Scaled for 5 Meters
Random Plinker:
Target sheet pdf files with scoring corresponding to the minute of angle group sizes (measured center to center) designated on the targets are attached to this post. You must be logged in as a GTA member to see and download the pdf files attached below.
Target sheets are provided for a variety of shooting distances (10 meters, 50 feet and 30 yards) and calibers (177, 22 and 25). As an example, at 50 feet a minute of angle is 4.43mm. Therefore the 3 minute of angle "9" scoring ring on the 50 feet 177 caliber (4.5mm) target has a diameter of 8.8mm (i.e., 4.43 * 3 MOA - 4.5mm).
Target sheet pdf files with "45" in the name are for 177 caliber (4.5mm) pellets. Scoring rings on files with "55" or "635" in the name are reduced in diameter so that there is no scoring advantage or disadvantage to making larger 22 caliber (5.5mm) or 25 caliber (6.35mm) holes.
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