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DIY spring compressor with pipe clamps and 2x4.


This is the simplest *precise* piston spring compressor I could come up with.  3/4 pipe clamps everyone *should* have and some 2x4 segments.  The most basic segments are just a 2x4 with 1 1/8th holes at 6" spacing. For the sidelever I made a 2x4 with a hole that fits the front of the main action. Note: action is held against wood ledge with a bit of foam.  This setup allows precise alignment of the trigger group and the pins just drop in.  I've wasted way more time hacking with a single pipe clamp and dealing with the alignment and space issues than it took me to make this. Easy to customize to whatever rifles you have.

SEO tags: piston spring compressor air rifle c clamp make simple diy safe compression easy

A moron:
Not bad at all and someone in another thread did want too see a compressor compressing with the barrel still on ( woth picture proof)


Moved to the Simple Home Projects gate.

Great idea but beware - most pipe clamps do not have enough threaded jack screw to handle guns with much preload.


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