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Drilling and Tapping At An Angle in Steel

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I have a need to repeatedly drill and tap 5/16"-18 holes in 3/16" mild steel.
Holes will be at about 15° from perpendicular.

Drilling may not be too difficult, but I am concerned about tapping.

Could you make a triangle, actually a wedge to place over the hole that makes it a straight in shot?


For off perpendicular drilling, our standard procedure was to spot face the surface with an end mill slightly larger that the drill diameter, (gotta love those Burgmaster turret drill presses), then center drill.  For tapping go just slightly larger than tap size, and be aware that if it is a thru hole, there is a chance for tap breakage when it comes thru the I.D.

Maybe I should spot face both sides??
That would square up both entry and exit sides......

I don't think this would reduce the thickness of the threaded hole.........(?)

Mainly, just spot face the entry side so the drill does not walk.  Then, just be cautious tapping thru, due to uneven loading of the tap, (which should not be too bad on mild steel).


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