All Springer/NP/PCP Air Gun Discussion General > Wood Chop Shop (Working with wood)
Finished my Stock finally.
Been working on this .22 cal mini carbine stock for a chaser project. I previously finished the carbon aluminum shroud air stripper and the internal tuning.
This stock was made from a single slab of 200$board foot ¼ sawn northern California myrtle with cocobolo and flamed maple accents.
Stain is minwax "gunstock" stain and finished with tung oil.
One of the goals of the design of the stock was to expose as much main tube/valve area as possible to maximize heat exchange to shorten co2 recovery time between shots.
OAL with air stripper shroud is about 24.5 inches.
My inspiration for this stock was the walther LG300 /biathlon rifle/field target love child .haha
Anyhow I wanted a compact accurate airgun so here it is.
Me likey :)
A work of art in a piece of functional airgun furniture. I love it!!
Walther, that's really nice. I was looking for more pictures.
More pics
had some issues with file size....
I machined the bolt out 304 stainless
custom escutcheon and checkerd bolt head for disassembly
Cheek rest adjustble via 4mm ball head hex driver
Flamed maple butt
Spinner was at 35yards. Last five shots from sighting in circled using 14.66 H&N FT trophy .22
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