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U.S. Airgun Laws By State
I live in New York, which says air guns are considered a firearm, and the small town I live in says this:
§ 248-2. Definitions.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Includes any firearm, air or other gas gun, or bow and arrow.
§ 248-4. Permit required; issuance; additional restrictions; term.
A. Upon application by the owner of land within the Village of Medina, the Chief of Police of the Village of Medina may issue a permit for the discharge of weapons thereon. If, following review, the Chief of Police determines that the discharge of weapons on the land area covered by the application will not violate any applicable law or regulations hereafter adopted by the Village Board or cause hazard to persons or property, he shall issue a permit to the owner authorizing the discharge of weapons on his land or such part thereof as the Chief of Police shall determine.
B. The Chief of Police may further establish conditions or restrictions with respect to the permit in order to prevent hazard to persons or property.
C. Each permit shall expire on the 31st of December next succeeding its issuance.
§ 248-5. Penalties for offenses.
[Amended 9-25-1990 by L.L. No. 8-1990 Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I). ]
Any person committing an offense against any provision of this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof, be guilty of a violation pursuant to the Penal Law of the State of New York, punishable by a fine of not less than $125 not exceeding $250 or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding 15 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
I wonder if parents buying their kids BB guns for christmas know they need a permit to use them...sheeshhhhh, glad I read this!!
Maine hunting law definitions include air guns as firearms for the purpose of hunting.
it is legal in Maine to hunt anything with an air gun except if a particular gun / caliber is stated.
e.g. night time raccoon is limited to single shot 22LR and turkey is either shotgun or archery.
so if you want to hunt black bears or moose with an air gun, come to Maine (the way life should be, as the sign at the border says
--- Quote from: upthehill on December 07, 2015, 07:51:32 PM ---Maine hunting law definitions include air guns as firearms for the purpose of hunting.
it is legal in Maine to hunt anything with an air gun except if a particular gun / caliber is stated.
e.g. night time raccoon is limited to single shot 22LR and turkey is either shotgun or archery.
so if you want to hunt black bears or moose with an air gun, come to Maine (the way life should be, as the sign at the border says
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I have been watching that Northwoods Law. And I can tell you what state I will never move to. Your guys laws trip me out.
--- Quote from: jaed.43725 on December 08, 2015, 10:07:36 PM ---
I have been watching that Northwoods Law. And I can tell you what state I will never move to. Your guys laws trip me out.
--- End quote ---
don't believe everything (or anything) you see on "reality" TV shows. they usually have nothing to do with reality and everything to do with making the producers richer.
this is a good post! thx
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