
All Springer/NP/PCP Air Gun Discussion General > Gamo & Spanish AirGun Gate



Recently we have been received several emails from former customers asking if we had the GRT-III triggers on Sale for $29.50.

The GRT-III Triggers have been $33.00 for years now and CharlieDaTuna is the only one using this exclusive design for the GTR-III Triggers. Thoroughly tested for safety and preset prior to shipping.

All our products are guaranteed. You may return any product we sell if dissatisfied. We have online support as well as phone support when needed.

We would respectfully appreciate anyone who has been or contacted by someone selling our Brand GRT-III triggers for less than $33.00.

We only have one CNC shop that makes the genuine GRT-III triggers for us and he has been making them for us for over 8 years now. He also produces the CDT GRT-4 Triggers as well for us. All GRT triggers are made right here in the USA.

So please if you can let us know via PM or Email who may be behind these knock off triggers sold here in the US.

Thank you
Gene Curtis
Cathy Curtis


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