
Target Shooting Matches, Discussion & Events > Field Target Gates

NorCal Nomadic FT mini-match Report


Lonnie originally posted this on the Yellow FT I am reposting it for the GTA crew. Lonnie and I are based out of Santa Cruz CA.

The Grab N Go field target course is being put to use!

The weather in our area has been fabulous. Ryan and I picked a day this week and set up a 24 shot mini match for some afternoon airgunning. We were a little short on daylight time so we set up the course and shot the match cold turkey.. meaning no sight in time!

That turned out to be a little precarious. I've been working on adjusting my new Rowan extra-setback trigger. I love the fit and feel but in order to adjust the weight screw I had to remove the trigger guard to get the screwdriver around the blade then reassemble. I did finally get the pull weight to where I wanted it, but since the trigger mount is also a stock mount the new tension changed my POI.

For me, the worst thing that happend was I cleaned the first lane! I know that sounds a little backwards. But, with a 1.5" @ 38yds and a 1" @ 18yds, the killzones were pretty generous and I left that lane feeling confident that my zero was good only to learn later that I was a mildot low and a half a dot to the right.

For Ryan, his craftiness at planning a course was the highlight of our fun but also his toghest hurdle. Ryan likes to challenge himself. He came up with downhill shots, shaded targets away from the sun, shaded targets facing the sun, one in the tree, one that was over the base of a tree that required positional shot, and one on the ridgline that he wiley designated a terrain shot.

Lane 1, 1.5" Rhino target at 38yds with extreme downhill slope. Then the Polar Bear with a 1" kz on a slight downhill (next photo) facing to the right.

Lane two, we had a 1 1/8" Armadillo at 26yds and a 1.5" Elephant we nicknamed "Pellephant" because it is the same color as the pellets. (you can't see where you missed) We were facing the western afternoon sun. The intense solar flare hitting our face was crazy. I could see the target if I shaded my eyes. But I couldn't focus while looking through my scope. I could only guestimate by eye and set my scope to where I could sort of see it. Somehow we both managed to knockdown one out of the 4 shots.

Lane 3 we had a 1/2" Doe Deer target at 18yds and a 3/4" Rat on Yellow cheese target at 24yds. These were out and away from the sun. Easy to range and see in light shade. I missed the Doe on my first shot. This was my first clue that I was not on zero. I could see my mark so I adjusted a little and put the next three shots down. I think I got lucky on the Rat. Ryan didn't fair well on this lane. The Doe defied him but theRat did fall once. 

Lane 4 partially faced the west. This one had some sun flare but much better than lane 2. Here we had the Owl-tree target, a 1.5" KZ at 32 yds, and a 5/8" Rabbit at 14yds. Ryan shot the lane clean....yeayy! Feeling even more  discombobulated, I put two on the rabbits face plate and one on the Owls rim at 4 o'clock. I wasn't taking it all to seriously so to test the placement I aimed to put the second pellet right to the left of the first. It split on the rim for the knockdown!  At least I hit one!

On lane 5 we had a 1/2" Rat at 10yds and then a Brown Bear target just over a ridgeline at 38yds. Shooting HFT style, I had a good view of the Bear target and using the POI info I gained one the previous two lanes I put it down twice. I cringed a little on that 1/2" rhino rat but my adjustment proved adequate and it was my turn to clean a lane....yes!! From the seated position,  Ryan took down the Rat with authority but struggled with that ridgline in front of the Bear. I believe his pellet glanced off the ground. After missing the Brown Bear twice Ryan decided it needed to be a terrain shot (hosts perrogative).... He put it down while using the tree. <img src="/images/wink.gif" height="14" width="14" alt="wink.gif">

Lane 6 had a 3/4" Blue Jay target at 17yds and a terrain forced positional shot with the 1.5" Boar target placed behind the "V" shaped tree base at 24yds. The Blue Jay foiled us each once and we shot the Boar offhand to clear the tree base, both knocking it down one time.

For fun we went and shot Lane 2 with the sun setting behind the trees. Ironically, both of us only hit one more target than the first time around in the sun. Oh well!... We may not have knocked down as many targets as we'd liked to, but it was a great day to be shooting field target and we are blessed to have the opportunity to enjoy the day like that.

Our first reported match. We are still in the search for additional locations. But we plan to have another match this month and in March.

Ryan.... 13/24
Lonnie... 15/24

Thats me with my HW97!

Lonnie Smith

"It doesn't get done til someone does it"

That looks like a great venue, even if a little out of the way.

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Thanks for the help on the pics. Man you just have the answers to everything. It is out of the way for everyone but me. It is my yard. I would love to have you up to shoot. Anytime you are going to be in the area please give me a holler.


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