Fun Shoot By State Discussion Gate > Washington Fun Shooting Events
Any Shooting Events In Washington?
joel w:
I see this area is empty still. ??? No shooting events in this state? Any local (Snohomish County) interest in here for one?
We have a chunk of property and no close neighbors. Currently I have a 51yd and a 106yd range set up and was thinking about making some field targets for the yard. We are pretty far out near Whitehorse Mountain. (near Darrington) but it's a nice scenic drive.
Let me know if any of you are interested. Maybe we could put something together..
Very good layout for setting up a shoot Joel! I know exactly where you are, but now I live about 3,000mi away, so it's a long way from the Everett ferry now ;) There' members that are not far from the I-5 corridor area, and also over on the OP; so I'd bet if you announce one, you'll get some interest.
Paper Tiger:
I would be interested. I live in Seattle and I'm fairly new to airgunning and would like to help and learn more.
Hey, sent you a PM. Sure would be nice to get together with others here in Western WA
joel w:
Yes, this sounds good to me. Need to run some of this past the wife but she is easy going so no worries here. :D Glad there is some interest.
I am waiting on a few parts to come in so I can put this .22 together and get it running good. In the mean time, I can try and put some targets together and work on the yard a bit (tall field grass).. I am very new to FT and pcp's so I only have a hand pump. I have looked at some of the targets used and think I can come up with a few. Time to study up on FT. ;)
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