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Windy City Shot string
Did a little tweeking on the rifle today, I turned it down some.
Enter Rifle Name Here….Windy City Email JC Brown Go to The "A" Team's Web Site
Date 27-Sep-10 "This Spread Sheet was designed by J.C. Brown & Werner Wicha
- all credits go to J.C. Brown & Werner Wicha for setting up and organizing the Original Master Data Sheet.
This Spread Sheet Master is available as a free download on The ""A"" Team's website at"
Pellet Barricuda
Wieght - Grains 21.1
String 1 String 2 String 3 String 4 String 5
1 879.00 884.00 898.00 906.00 880.00
2 891.00 883.00 897.00 901.00 876.00
3 892.00 909.00 913.00 909.00 872.00
4 895.00 900.00 920.00 911.00 879.00
5 896.00 907.00 903.00 902.00 874.00
6 898.00 914.00 900.00 890.00 861.00
7 898.00 912.00 919.00 891.00 858.00
8 902.00 914.00 918.00 887.00 855.00
9 902.00 913.00 901.00 881.00 850.00
10 906.00 912.00 897.00 880.00 844.00
Individual String Statistics:
1st 10 Shots 2nd 10 Shots 3rd 10 Shots 4th 10 Shots 5th 10 Shots
Min. 879.00 883.00 897.00 880.00 844.00
Max. 906.00 914.00 920.00 911.00 880.00
Average 895.90 904.80 906.60 895.80 864.90
Median 897.00 910.50 902.00 896.00 866.50
ES 27.00 31.00 23.00 31.00 36.00
SD 7.53 11.99 9.72 11.44 12.92
AFTL 37.61 38.37 38.52 37.61 35.06
Rifle: Windy City
Scope: Leapers
Pellet & Prep: H&N Barracuda Match
Chrony: Beta
Distance: (muzzle to 1st sensor of chrony):
Charge: 200 to 130
Bench Rest: bipod
Enter Rifle Name Here….Windy City Email JC Brown Go to The "A" Team's Web Site
Date 27-Sep-10 "This Spread Sheet was designed by J.C. Brown & Werner Wicha
- all credits go to J.C. Brown & Werner Wicha for setting up and organizing the Original Master Data Sheet.
This Spread Sheet Master is available as a free download on The ""A"" Team's website at"
Pellet H&N Barracuda
Wieght - Grains 21.1
String 1 String 2 String 3 String 4
1 870.00 893.00 906.00 898.00
2 879.00 883.00 908.00 896.00
3 883.00 895.00 906.00 892.00
4 881.00 895.00 903.00 884.00
5 881.00 898.00 905.00 885.00
6 882.00 900.00 899.00 879.00
7 882.00 898.00 899.00 867.00
8 877.00 900.00 892.00 858.00
9 891.00 902.00 892.00 873.00
10 892.00 902.00 901.00 863.00
Individual String Statistics:
1st 10 Shots 2nd 10 Shots 3rd 10 Shots 4th 10 Shots
Min. 870.00 883.00 892.00 858.00
Max. 892.00 902.00 908.00 898.00
Average 881.80 896.60 901.10 879.50
Median 881.50 898.00 902.00 881.50
ES 22.00 19.00 16.00 40.00
SD 6.34 5.66 5.67 13.96
Ave FT LBS 36.44 37.67 38.05 36.25
How do you find the accuracy is with the Barracuds pellets?
Looks nice with a pretty consistent shot string. Enough to go out shooting for a lot of targets on the hoof or on the wing.
I find that shooting the JSB Exact 18.1 gr pellets in my Evanix Blizzard gives me really accurate shooting. It was toned down a bit from top power and I get a full 40 shots before I need to pump up a bit. Looks like you are going to get 50 solid shots from your Windy City.
Good luck and enjoy the rifle.
Well, with 50 shots I am getting a ragged hole of 3/4" with 2 fliers. The second string was a little smaller. This was at 20yds so nothing to fancy. I was just shooting for the chrony and didn't take the time to make it good. I had turned it down on the second string but I am thinking of going back up one full turn.
I have been having some indexing issues. I think that it is mag related, I can see where the pawl is engaging the mag and it is on the very tip of the tooth. I am wondering if there is a way to edge the pawl in just a little.
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