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Cheap, beatup, sad, forlorn B2+ too much time = sniper rifle?

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New trigger taking shape. Nothing really exciting. Just traced out the old onto a piece of sheet steel, cut it out with a drill and dremel, and began grinding shaping.

Tough part will be the pin hole and tab, but going slow should get the job done. After this it is put a finish on the metal and reassemble. Metal on this AG will not take a cold blue no matter what. I've done the surgical clean approach with everything from brake cleaner to alcohol, heat, smooth finish, rough finish, and it simply will not take a cold blue. Just turns a wierd looking chrome with slight bluish tint looking. I tried several applications, and the bluing never darkens. Will get painted instead.

Hope to get it done and out of the way as early as tomorrow.

Great work. I've enjoyed this post, especially the new improved seal. In regards to cold bluing I've had similar results, until I started warming the metal before applying the birchwood casey "SUPER BLUE". I've used  a heat gun and later boiling water as described by S. Dale in library section of this site. The water produced better results. I have found that the metal has to be dried and allowed to cool until warm, but not hot as the bluing will bubble up and leave a mess. This still does not work as well as hot bluing but is a big improvement over "cold" application and will get a couple of shades darker and is less likely to streak.  I look forward seeing the rest of the build.

Appreciate the encouragement. Thanks. Gave bluing one more shot tonight. There was no possibility of oil residue, new bluing liquid, refinished the reciever yet again, and no dice. Same exact results. So, I broke down an put several layers of satin black on it, the barrel, and the brake, followed by four flat clear coats.

Trigger is almost done. Just need to drill the pin hole and the spring hole and do a final polish on the trigger shoe area. That will be the only part to get a real polishing since it's the only part that'll be visible. The sear-tab and reciever rest came out better than hoped. Now just to hope I get the pin hole drilled straight ;D


It lives!

Well, it's in one piece and it seems to work pretty decently ;D

Tired of messing with it since I've got plenty of other things that actually deserve attention waiting to be gotten to, so I thrashed it together tonight. If I could have gotten the metal to take a blue, I might have worked harder on a tighter fit and finish.

The saying about polishing and poop is true. This is a twenty twenty gun. Looks good from twenty feet away at twenty miles an hour.

However, it actually shoots hard and fast. Only put ten shots through it. A little dieseling first few shots, nothing major.

Home made barrel brake is shimmed for a press fit. It's on, and I doubt its ever coming off.

The hand made trigger is a major step up from the old. Not much you can do to one of these, but it has no slop and breaks easily and sharply.

The spring is out of my Storm and cut down by 4 coils. I judged it just right far as size goes, and have maybe 1/16th of an inch between coils when cocked. In other words, just barely avoids binding. About two and a half inches of preload on it. Everything is smoothed and straightened inside. Added a polished washer in the piston, used my homemade seal, polished the spring guide, squared and polished the spring ends, and polished the compression chamber at high speed with 800 grit until I could detect only a shiny surface.

It goes, **THUNK**!!, and that's it. No twang, no piston slam. It's also a very fast thunk. The short stroke and stronger spring make for a very quick cycle. I should have measured the volume. Oh well.

I'll do some target shooting with it tomorrow after I clean the barrel, but dont expect much.

The barrel pivot had tons of slop. I managed to get rid of most of it, but the pivot sleeve is too big for for pivot bolt, which allows the barrel to move around on the pivot. No side to side slop anymore, but you can pull the barrel forward and push it back very hard, enough to notice the play. Also, the previous owner obviously bear-trapped themselves once or ten times. The barrel is noticeably bent upwards. Bent it back most of the way, but needs one more round of straightening. There's lots of little things I did, but I am too pooped to go into detail :P

All in all, a fun project. It'll be interesting to chrony it and maybe throw a poly seal in it. I'll be putting hex head bolts in everything at least, which should clean it up more and make tear downs faster and easier.

Great job on everything, trigger looks great.


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