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converted my 760 to rifled barrel....heres how!

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Cool. ;D On the airgunone forums lampy and I both did the same thing as you're doing awhile back.

You can see lampy's effort here.]

You can see my (very lazy) effort here.]

thanx huntert,unfortunatly i cant view any pics from airgunone.i recieved a permanant ban there over some bull/stupid accusations.
i can read the post though.

my average 10 yards group comes out to 1 inch,sometimes printing a 3/4.
ive re-crowned the barrel,stabilized it as much as i can,installed a new rws 3-9 glass....still cant get my groups consistent enough to satisfy my needs.
groups are better than stock,but not good enough.

ill go print a series of groups with different ammo to show you what im talking about.
grouping is unpredictable.
maybe this spanish barrel just isnt up to the task,my hammerli x2 gave me the same results,drove myself crazy trying to get sub 1 inch groups with it.
my stock m417 with those &^^& peep sights gives me tighter groups.

heres my 10 yard groupings/pellet test....760/hammerli barrel...8 pumps,rws 3-9 ao....zoomed on 9.
from a rest,no wind.
all groups are inside of a quarter,except the crosman destroyers.
the gamo tomohawks gave me a close dime group.
but if i shoot 10 groups of tomohawks,only 3-4 will look like that.

all gamo tomohawks.
on the 3rd nice group i tried pumpung very slow,not to twist the gun.
every other group was hard fast pumping.
i think the gun is twisting up everytime i pump,causing the poi to shift every time.
its a delicate plastic gun.

Dick Tracey:
I wonder how long it will be before we can get the barrel from the M-4177?

EDIT: To see the photos at a reasonable magnification, you might want to right click(or control click if you use a mac) and select view image.
lampy's 760 mod

My 760 mod

Bullseye is about 0.5 inch.
I think mine turned out okay. I probably do need to make another bolt probe though, like you did.

--- Quote ---thanx huntert,unfortunatly i cant view any pics from airgunone.i recieved a permanant ban there over some bull/stupid accusations.
--- End quote ---

You wouldn't be ebolamonkey, would you? Have no worries I never had a problem with you at all.


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