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No email notifications since the update

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Rabbit\Squirrel Killer:
I got only one notification on the 6th at 3:30 PM and NONE since then, all my settings in my profile are still set right as far as I can see. How can this be fixed?


--- Quote from: Rabbit\Squirrel Killer on October 09, 2023, 03:03:25 PM ---I got only one notification on the 6th at 3:30 PM and NONE since then, all my settings in my profile are still set right as far as I can see. How can this be fixed?

--- End quote ---

Since the weekend update, I can get on here and some other gates, I can't access the Air Gun and/or Back Room gates, among others. I get a message of no URL and a 404 error, whatever that means.  Somebody please fix this for my Tablet.

I hadn't thought about it but I've not received any email notification of personal messages either, though I used to, and all my profile settings appear to be correct.

Rabbit\Squirrel Killer:

--- Quote from: Roadworthy on October 09, 2023, 11:10:46 PM ---I hadn't thought about it but I've not received any email notification of personal messages either, though I used to, and all my profile settings appear to be correct.

--- End quote ---

I am fairly certain they screwed something up. The only other thing it could be is our email providers stopping them for some reason like identifying them as spam now and not delivering them to us. my spam filter on my end isn't doing it, I checked!

I can tell you it's not a forum wide issue. I'm getting my notifications. But I have alerted our programmer and asked him to look into it.


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