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Wood stock for a SPA P35
I've finished my first wood stock for a P35. I have three P35s so I may eventually make three wood stocks. This one was kind of a trial to see if I could do it and it came out good enough I'm planning to use it. The wood is just softwood scraps I had laying around. I needed a blank about 1 5/8 thick so I split a 2x6 that had been in the shop long enough it was down near 10% moisture content and put an old drawer side made of fir in the center. I used my Domino XL to cut a mortise for the trigger guard to go through, then the same tool to cut a mortise for the action, and then I used a router bit to make the semicircular groove for the airtube. Actually, I put in the two holes for the action screws after the trigger guard mortise and before the others. I drilled them from above while the block was still a rectangle. That largely completed the inletting but I'll do an additional step with the domino next time. The P35 has a couple vertical clamps that join the barrel, and airtube and the trigger parts together. They need a shallow groove a little deeper than the groove for the air tube but only in a couple spots. At least on the top where it is visible I want to cut these with the domino. That means circular ends but it also should mean a lot less hand work. I cut the shape of the stock out with a bosch jig saw and my bandsaw. I used sanders exclusively to shape the stock and did a lot with a flapper disk in a right angle grinder. First time I did that and it worked great. I bought a 40 grit disc and a 80 grit. The 40 worked but I had to be real careful with it. The 80 cut fast enough and was easier to control.
Finish is some poly with walnut tint in it (purchased that way) that was leftover from a previous project. I don't like this stuff, it is hard to get an even finish with, especially on softwood. But it makes it brownish. Doesn't really let the grain show through.
This stock is more functional than good looking but it proved to me I can do this. Next one will be either laminated mahogany from old church pews or some 8 quarter cherry I have on hand. I might do two at a time, it would let me reduce the machine set ups for the inletting.
Wow that stock turned out NICE.
The finish looks great in photos, I wouldn't guess it's a spruce and fir laminate!
Thanks guys. The pictures are from a distance for a reason, however. But it's a decent stock and cost me nearly nothing but some time. So I can't complain. I just wish the finish wasn't so uneven in color but that is what I get from tinted poly over softwood. The inletting could also be a bit better and some things could be shaped better but it's a first try and learning from it was my goal. I'm a little surprised it came out good enough to be usable.
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