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Cura settings and G-Code editing

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This is the start of a thread about How to change settings in Cura and how to easily adjust the G-Code for temperatures and so on.
I'll take actual screen shots and walk you through some quick edits you might want to do to the final G-Code Cura puts out.

I'll also offer advise on Fan settings for PETG which I've found Cura basic settings really not correct for the Vyper.
We'll also look at the Z settings on the Vyper. Yes. It self levels but I've found you might need to adjust that setting.
So I'll explain what to look for and how to adjust that.


--- Quote from: Privateer on October 16, 2022, 05:05:47 PM ---This is the start of a thread about How to change settings in Cura and how to easily adjust the G-Code for temperatures and so on.
I'll take actual screen shots and walk you through some quick edits you might want to do to the final G-Code Cura puts out.

--- End quote ---
I really appreciate this Privateer.

Me too, teach!, me too!

I'll get a link to a simple quick G-Code to look at as a start. That will allow us to work on the exact same project and see the results.
You are going to edit the Bed Temp and Print temp in NotePad. It's the fastest way to adjust temps for a print!

Thanks Jeff this is now a sticky.


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