All Springer/NP/PCP Air Gun Discussion General > Air Gun Gate
.22 pelle weight...
--- Quote from: 454 Big Block Chevy on August 21, 2010, 10:44:19 AM ---whats the best gas ram for a cfx? for power.
--- End quote ---
Most affordable is the Nitro Piston, which PA will install for $110, including return shipping.
I have been told by LongIslandArcher that the Theoben ( is the most powerful and smoothest, but you had better be prepared to pay about twice as much for it.
I use the Nitro Piston, and I am more than happy with it, though.
It has also held up to a couple of thousand shots.
WHAT IS EVERYONES THING ABOUT POWER?? if you cant hit what your aiming at, power dosnt mean anything
454 Big Block Chevy:
i can hit what i aim at, i just want to be very very sure that what i shoot, dies quickly. i do agree however, that power is useless without accuracy. i like to think i'm a good shot, and maximum energy transfer is always appreciated.
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