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2240 Power Adjuster / SSG ?

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Not sure I fully grasp everything from the SSG thread, but here's an attempt at a model of one.  Can someone look it over to see if I captured the basics?  I can clearly see the need for a cap over the end, which I can add, but I first want to make something simpler just to see if I have the basic dimensions ok.  I hope to machine everything from steel scraps and odds and ends on hand. 

The original spring is about 2" long uncompressed, maybe 1.5" when the cap is on.  Should I replace the spring?  If so, what am I looking for?  Stiffer?

I am looking to get more shots out of this.  Thanks for any insights.

Looks like a winner.  The jamnuts allow you to set the amount of free flight, and the purple part manipulates the hammer spring preload.
Regarding the OEM spring, you’ll probably need to shorten it.  The way I approach it is to remove one coil at a time until the velocity drops to about 90% of the original, and then use the preload adjustment to bring it back up to about 95% of the original.  When adjusted in this manner, efficiency will be good and it will not be nearly as sensitive to temperature changes.


--- Quote from: nervoustrigger on May 31, 2023, 06:35:46 PM ---Looks like a winner.  The jamnuts allow you to set the amount of free flight, and the purple part manipulates the hammer spring preload.
Regarding the OEM spring, you’ll probably need to shorten it.  The way I approach it is to remove one coil at a time until the velocity drops to about 90% of the original, and then use the preload adjustment to bring it back up to about 95% of the original.  When adjusted in this manner, efficiency will be good and it will not be nearly as sensitive to temperature changes.

--- End quote ---

Am I misinterpreting or did you transpose your explanation of setting gap and preload?

Whoops, yes I wrote that backwards.  Thanks Mike!

Should have said:
The jamnuts allow you to set the amount of hammer spring preload, and the purple part adjusts the amount of free flight.

Spring rate depends on the desired effect (and the platform).   Generally the SSG uses a lighter spring with 1/2" to 3/4" preload (again platform dependent).

Shot count could be 50% to 100% higher depending on SSG components and tuning.


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