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Hatsan Jet I/II Discussion

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Rat Sniper (AKA: PaulT58):
I know a few folks (myself included) have either recently purchased or have expressed interest in the new Hatsan Jet Pistols.

I just ordered a Jet 1 in .25 today.  I know some others have ordered them in .22 and possible even .177. 

I thought I'd start a thread where everyone can share their thoughts and experiences with these new pistols.

I purchased the Jet 1 model for the slimmer style and the hopes it might fit a generic holster.  The only real diserable difference between the two that I could tell, besides looks, was shot count.  It doesn't appear the extra cylinder adds any more power.  Since I got the .25 caliber, the magazine only holds 6 pellets, but hey, it's a six shooter in the truest sense!

I got it in .25 because I don't have a PCP pistol in .25, and I'm not sure anyone but Hatsan makes one.  I know it's not a power house, but I also hope it's got enough umph for rats and squirrels.

Looking forward to hearing other's thoughts and experiences and I'll be adding mine once it arrives.

Rob M:
Hey Paul , glad you got one.. Mine is in transit in rhode island , expected friday now but im hoping to get lucky and get it thursday..  The fact that theyre unregged and sidelver leads me to believe a slightly heavier hammer spring will Up the fpe even before porting takes place. Were it regged, wed know theres a built in choke point ( like the 750 or notos ) . Ill be taking it apart and having a look not too long after recieving it .Another thing that crossed my mind , the gauntlet and my umarex fusion 2 have .440 barrels , very similar to crosman barrels. So it may be easy to swap in a crosman 10 inch barrel on my 22cal , which would likely free up another 30-50 fps ,, I wish they made guns like this 10 yrs ago , compact pcp with detable stock and decent power.. I would have killed for this in 2012 ish.

Rat Sniper (AKA: PaulT58):
Rob, according to PA, mine should arrive Thursday as well.  Did you get the .22 from Ebay?  I don't recall all the details from that other discussion!   :D

It's been my experience that Hatsans have been either way over powered or under powered!  But, that all seem to be adjustable, so hopefully a little tuning will do the trick without a lot of modifying!  I'm looking forward to your review...

Rob M:
I got the 22, the 25 had sold out instantly. were it a straight pull back bolt , id never consider a heavier hammer, but with sidelever youre only feeling about 1/4 to 1/6 th of the cocking force anyway,, im also questioning the claimed numbeers with a 7.9 inch barrel

I think you'll like it in .25, Paul. My .25 Bandit carbine is one of my favorite guns.


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