
All Springer/NP/PCP Air Gun Discussion General > 3D printing and files

Fx Impact single shot

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Anyone know where I can get the stl files to print one for my mk2? It appears the factory mags don’t play well with my slugs. Trying to single load by hands is quite a pain.


thanks T3PRanch... i printed that one and it was god awful terrible to use. dropped so many slugs into the back section of the gun, and getting them to roll consistently into the probe area was a pain.
I did find one similar to the Carm loader. had to do some modification to get it working, but that one worked much better for me..  granted it isn't as sophisticated as what Carm has but it's decent.

That looks awesome!  I don't think I have seen one that looks quite that attractive to the eyes.

fellow ariguners...
if you all who have impact could give the probe outer diameter for .177 cal, .30 cal, and possibly the .35 cal. not sure if the current design will accommodate the big .35 cal but i should be able to come up with something.
I have the .25 cal fully operational. working on the .22 cal shortly, and next is the .30 cal.


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