The regulator pressure is a little bit higher than before. Before resealing the regulator it was just above the 100 bar mark. Now it is between 100 and 150. The next time I have it apart I am going to move the regulator screw one notch in. The high pressure O ring in my hand pump failed. So I ordered a repair kit and a compressor.
It’s not valve lock but an interesting balance. I am very happy this all happened so I understand or think I understand what is happening. Forget the leak. That is the firing valve and seat. I’ll put in new ones and I have sealed the old one with some polishing compound.But getting it back to the original shooting spec is my new task.SoThe two springs are working against each other with the valve in between. If I increase the pressure on the valve. And the striker spring is the same. The striker hits the valve against a stronger spring and less air is released. As I reduce pressure more air is released so I get more power. But I have to take the pressure in the air tube into account. Before I was moving 10.3 grain pellets at880 fps and the regulator was at 110 bar.Now I’m moving 10.3 grain pellets at 835 fps.and the regulator is set to 130 bar.So to increase the pellet speed I need less spring pressure on the valve seat . And I need to reduce the regulated pressure back to 110 bar so the striker spring will be pushing the valve open against less pressure. Do I have that correct?