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Air archery
Hello I own a .50 cal dragon claw the only bolts I've seen out there for it,come from air venturi and they don't come cheap. I was wondering if anyone has made their own bolts for it, nocks and so forth ..
I have a Sam Yang 909 45 caliper, And I use a spent 9mm bullet casing and a# 9 or #10 O-ring on a 8.9mm o/d 22 inch carbon mixed arrows and 3 inch 400 vane fletching's and a little Vaseline on seal's with a #11 O-ring at the barrel end for barrel alignment' They fit perfect right to the the beginning of the load port slide, I would think a little bigger O-ring may work on a 50 caliper, And yes I took the plunge and purchased the Seneca 6-pack first, They shoot the same so far, But I don't have access to a range to shoot past 15 yards, Strange, I found the Seneca 6-pack on sale for $72.00 + $12.95 shipping, Now I purchased 24 shafts 22 inch long 8.9mm O/D from AliExpress For $18.00, and some fletching's and ferules for $10.00 with super glue, As for the spent 9mm casing, I purchased them by the 100's already cleaned for reloading my own bullets, But you can go to any gun range and pick them up off the floor for free, This setup works for me, And there are plenty of other DIY nock and arrow builders out there, And I also , index, weight, fletch my crossbow arrows for my ten point titan Extreme. It is very relaxing and fun making your own stuff. I hope this may help you, have fun and be safe.
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